I raid in Cataclysm (bluepost e considerazioni)
Leggete qua: http://itawow.blogspot.com/2010/04/i-raid-in-cataclysm.html . L'originale è questo: Cataclysm Raid Progression Refinements Cataclysm will change a couple of things to the raiding system apparently. "Too long didn't read" version: 10-Man and 25-Man raids will share the same lockout. 10-Man and 25-Man raids difficulty will be as close as possible to each other. 10-Man and 25-Man raids will drop the exact same loot, but 25-man will drop a higher uantity of items. Normal versus Heroic mode will be chosen on a per-boss basis in Cataclysm raids, the same way it works in Icecrown Citadel For the first few raid tiers, our plan is to provide multiple smaller raids. Instead of one raid with eleven bosses, you might have a five-boss raid as well as a six-boss raid. fonte mmo-champion Questa notizia ha portato la solita pletora di commenti e/o visioni "personali" sul perché, il percome e il come-mai. Molti si preoccupano perché questa visione "progress...