Novità per il druido balance in WoD.
Ieri è comparso un bluepost di Rygarius riguardo ai cambiamenti previsti per il druido balance, in Warlords of Draenor. In attesa di tradurvelo come si deve (il tempo è sempre tiranno), ve lo posto qui in lingua originale. I commenti li trovate sotto.
We have some extensive changes for Balance Druids. One of our guiding principles with game design is that things should be "easy to learn, hard to master". We're not particularly happy with the Moonkin rotation because it was actually hard to learn, and easy to master (especially with regards to periodic damage effects no longer snapshotting). Energy and Eclipse mechanics were not intuitive for many newer players. Once you became accustomed to the rotation, there wasn't much additional depth to mastering it; maintain two DoTs, hit these other two buttons whenever they light up, and spam one of two buttons in between. In order to try to make it easier to learn, but also add some gameplay depth and challenge we're making a significant revision to the rotation. The list of changes is quite dense, so here's a summary of the changes.
Summary of changes to Balance:
Summary of changes to Balance:
- Balance Energy is a bar that automatically cycles back and forth between Lunar and Solar sides, like night and day. The closer to one end that the bar is, the more damage that side's spells do.
- Balance Druids now have four rotational spells.
- Starfire: Lunar direct damage spell
- Cast when the Lunar side is stronger
- Wrath: Solar direct damage spell
- Cast when the Solar side is stronger
- Moonfire: Lunar periodic damage spell. While closer to Solar, this button is replaced with Sunfire, a Solar periodic damage spell.
- Maintain both effects where possible
- Starsurge: Direct damage spell that benefits from whichever side is stronger. Has up to 3 charges, and buffs the damage of the next few Wraths or Starfires.
- Cast when able to follow up with a few strong Wraths or Starfires.
- Starfire: Lunar direct damage spell
- Balance Energy system has been redesigned. Balance Energy is a bar that cycles back and forth between Lunar and Solar sides, like night and day, with a 30 second cycle time (from Lunar to Solar and back to Lunar).
- Balance Energy is no longer generated through spells, talents, or other effects anymore.
- Eclipse has been redesigned.
- Eclipse inspires the Druid with the power of the moon and the sun, causing the damage of Lunar and Solar spells to be increased by up to 30% based on how close Balance Energy levels are to the appropriate side.
- Example: With 0 Balance Energy, the damage bonus is evenly split between Lunar and Solar, and the Druid receives a 15% increase to damage for both spell types. With 80 Solar Energy, the Druid receives a 27% damage increase to Solar spells and a 3% damage increase to Lunar spells.
- Mastery: Total Eclipse now increases the maximum damage bonus of Eclipse by 12% (increasing with Mastery).
- Eclipse inspires the Druid with the power of the moon and the sun, causing the damage of Lunar and Solar spells to be increased by up to 30% based on how close Balance Energy levels are to the appropriate side.
- Starfire now has a 3 second cast time (up from 2.7 seconds).
- Moonfire now has a 16 second base duration (up from 14 seconds), but is no longer extended by Starfire and Starsurge critical strikes.
- Sunfire now has a 16 second duration (up from 14 seconds), but is no longer extended by Wrath and Starsurge critical strikes. Additionally, Sunfire is no longer its own spell. Sunfire replaces Moonfire on the action bar whenever Balance Energy is on the Solar side. Enemies may still suffer from both Moonfire and Sunfire's periodic damage components simultaneously.
- Lunar Shower has been redesigned and renamed Astral Showers.
- Astral Showers calls upon greater Lunar and Solar energy to permanently empower the Druid's Moonfire and Sunfire spells.
- Moonfire's initial damage is increased by 100%, and the duration of its periodic damage effect is increased by 100%.
- Sunfire's initial damage is increased by 100%, and its periodic damage effect is now applied to all enemies within 5 yards of the target.
- Astral Showers calls upon greater Lunar and Solar energy to permanently empower the Druid's Moonfire and Sunfire spells.
- Starsurge now has 3 charges and a 30 second recharge time (instead of a 15 second cooldown). Starsurge now also grants Lunar or Solar Empowerment.
- Lunar Empowerment causes the next 2 Starfires to deal 30% more damage.
- Solar Empowerment causes the next 3 Wraths to deal 30% more damage.
- Starfall now shares charges with Starsurge, and has no cooldown of its own. It also now hits all nearby enemies (up from 2 nearby enemies).
- Shooting Stars now adds 1 full charge of Starsurge and Starfall when it triggers, and now has a 2.5% chance to trigger on Moonfire and Sunfire periodic damage. This chance is doubled on critical strikes.
- Hurricane's range has been increased to 35 yards (up from 30 yards).
- Astral Storm has been removed.
- Wild Mushroom (Balance) now begins snaring enemies immediately when summoned, lasts 20 seconds, and can no longer be detonated to deal damage.
- Wild Mushroom: Detonate has been removed.
- Celestial Alignment has been redesigned.
- Celestial Alignment causes the Druid to enter Celestial Alignment, a state where Balance Energy cycle is paused, and all Lunar and Solar spells benefit from the maximum Eclipse bonus. Lasts 15 seconds with a 3 minute cooldown.
- Astral Communion now increases the rate that Balance Energy cycles by 300% while channeled.
- Euphoria has been removed.
- Insect Swarm has been redesigned and renamed Stellar Flare.
- Stellar Flare is a powerful spell benefitting from both Lunar and Solar Eclipses, dealing the most damage when they are equal. Burns the target for Spellstorm damage and cause additional damage over 15 seconds. The ability has a cast time of 1.5 seconds.
- Soul of the Forest (Balance) has been redesigned.
- Soul of the Forest (Balance) now increases the damage bonus from Lunar and Solar Empowerment by an additional 30%.
- Equinox has been replaced with a new talent, Balance of Power.
- Balance of Power causes Wrath to extend the duration of Sunfire by 4 seconds and Starfire to extend the duration of Moonfire by 6 seconds.
- Sunfall has been replaced with a new talent, Euphoria.
- Euphoria grants the Druid a deeper connection to the stars, causing Balance Energy to cycle 50% faster. Additionally, Starsurge also grants 20% Haste for 6 seconds.
- Several Glyphs and Draenor Perks will be redesigned in a future build, and so are currently TBD.
- Glyph of Omens
- Glyph of Sudden Eclipse
- Empowered Starfall
- Enhanced Mushrooms
- Enhanced Starsurge
- Enhanced Storms
Non vedo l’ora che esca la beta… :)